~ Scraps by Lysa™ - http://allthingsbylysa.blogspot.com/
~ Terms of Use ~
~ Updated August 2, 2014 ~

Download my TOU in a text file HERE (right click on the word HERE and click on Save Link As).


Copyright of all the graphic images created by Scraps by Lysa™ including any sample images, are retained by the original creator.  All graphic images are copyrighted Scraps by Lysa™ with all rights reserved.


By using these graphics you are agreeing to these terms.  Scraps by Lysa™ retains and reserves the right to modify, update and change the Terms of Use for all digital designs at anytime.  It is your responsibility to check for updated Terms of Use on my blog, http://blog.madebylysa.us as you will be held accountable for these terms of use regardless if you have read them or not.


- You may use these kits and elements for personal use.
- You may use these kits and elements to create layouts, cards, invites, and announcements.
- You may use these kits and elements for (personal) websites and blogs for decoration as long as proper credit with a link to http://blog.madebylysa.us is visible on each page where my graphics are being used.
- You may resize or recolor any elements in part or in whole but you may not remove pieces of them.  They must still be given proper credits and links to Scraps by Lysa™.
- You may contact me if you have any questions about what you may or may not do with my designs.
- If you want to share my kit with others, use my preview and link it to my site (either by linking the image itself or providing a text link below the image).


- You may use my kits in your tutorials but may not supply the pieces, please send them to my blog.  All my kits are now free so there is no reason they can't download them from my blog themselves.


- You may not republish these graphics and put them on a cd for any other purpose other than to back up your computer.
- You may not claim these graphics as your own.
- You may not make Quick Pages to sell digitally or printed.
- You may not alter these graphics and call them your own.
- You may not take any part of these graphics and add it to your graphic and claim the resulting graphic as your own.
- You may not make graphics into tubes or brushes for use with Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop or any other graphics program and redistribute them in any way (using them for your purposes is fine as long as the original image (in the case of brushes) is also used in the design).
- You may not use templates or pre-made pages (Quick-pages) for publication and call them your own works. Please credit them as a template or pre-made page and provide the proper credit to Scraps by Lysa™.
- You may not offer my designs as graphic images on any webpage for download, send them through a list such as a news or Yahoo group or include them in any graphics collection either on the internet or otherwise – for sale or for free.
- You may not make (Rubber Stamps, Digitalized Embroidery designs, Cross stitch kits, scrapbook kits) to resell, or add them to software programs.
- You may not use these graphics in mass production.
- You may not use the content for any harmful, pornographic, or racial material or material that may be deemed harmful or offensive to another person.
- Do Not Redistribute!  Do not share these graphics in yahoo groups or snag groups!
- Do not re-upload the kit to another file sharing site.
- You may not use my kits in any projects that you will receive money for.
- You may not print my scrap kits, they are for digital use only.  The resolution is set to 72 ppi and will not look good printed.


It is illegal to reproduce or distribute copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner.  Accessing the images and text provided within this kit does not give you any rights to use them without the permission of the Copyright owner.


Please be sure to credit in the following manner. Scraps by Lysa™ and link it to my site (http://allthingsbylysa.blogspot.com/).  If there isn't room on the design, you may leave out url, but if there is space to have url somewhere then please have it.


If you have any concerns, comments or questions regarding the item, please email the designer at lysa@madebylysa.us.

Scraps by Lysa™, http://allthingsbylysa.blogspot.com/

TOU Updated:
August 2, 2014

All Rights Reserved

